In futureal's arcade, cheating was simply a matter of checking the values going in and out, and then faking post results going into proarcade.php.
The *only* way of making a cheat-proof Flash arcade would be to use SSL encryption. Naturally, that isn't possible for most people.
The v3 Arcade uses a complete different system. All communications that set scores and other variables happen while the game is being played, at the end of the game the page is redirected. There are two stages.
1. At the beginning of gameplay, a new session is set.
2. At the end of gameplay, two communications are made - one directly after the other. Here the score is set, times are added.
3. If both final communications go well, a variable is brought back into Flash which then prompts a redirect to the high scores.
Not mentioning the security stuff, but that's the general idea. That's why adding this stuff requires the source - variable transmission isn't a simple getURL.