I'm having issues trying to get this to work, I read all the posts, but still not sure what to do to get this working.
System Info:
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.3:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE topsites_options SET display='2',active='1',require='1',hitson='1',buttons='http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/images/t100btns',arrows='http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/images/t100rank',perpage='25',totalbuttons='5',daytime='1',htmlallowed='<b><u><i>',bheight='31',bwidth='88',bborder='0',resolve='1',rankby='totalin'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'require='1',hitson='1',buttons='http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/i
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Tuesday 20th of January 2004 04:45:24 AM
Script: http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/forum/...ites_admin.php
Referer: http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/admin/...ction=options&
Repair Report: This type of error cannot be automatically repaired.
I created this to try and get it working temorally, however if I goto try and change the options I still get the error above.... temp fix below, however I'm still fairly new to mysql/php.
UPDATE `topsites_options` SET `active` = '1',
`hitson` = '1',
`perpage` = '25',
`totalbuttons` = '5',
`resolve` = '1',
`rankby` = 'totalin' WHERE `active` = '0' AND `hitson` = '0' AND `perpage` = '10' AND `daytime` = '1' AND `require` = '1' AND `buttons` = 'http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/images/t100btns' AND `totalbuttons` = '10' AND `resolve` = '0' AND `display` = '2' AND `htmlallowed` = '<b><u><i>' AND `bheight` = '31' AND `bwidth` = '88' AND `bborder` = '0' AND `arrows` = 'http://www.orbsydia.com/forum/images/t100rank' AND `rankby` = 'todayunique' LIMIT 1 ;
I've got a cpanel system... When I try to update info in the ACP, options I get the above error

.. other than that it looks like a sweet system. I tried the suguested topsites_admin.php update for 1064 error, but doesn't seem to help.