Originally Posted by bharvey42
Anyways it was based on PHPNuke but the coding has been completley rewritten.
Show me a CMS that has more flexibility and power then PostNuke. With more modules and blocks that are highly configurable. Good Luck becuase there isn't one.
just because theres lots of hacks and modules and blocks and whatever other bs is out there doesnt mean you should use it.
im sure phpbb has way more hacks than vBulletin, because theres alot less default features that need to be hacked in, and of couse theres all the ppl who want to hack it to make it vB but it still isnt vB and i still wouldnt use it
yes the code has been rewritten but its still a peice of junk. ive used them all, they all are not worth the time and effort to install into vB
GSM is gama site manager

and even I can write an addon to it in just a few moments :P