Originally Posted by Velocd
@cheeky, gc1:
THe %ircserver value needs to be in www.yoursite.domain format.
Here is my example:
%ircserver = www.animesystem.com
%ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
%irckey = 54321
%ircchan = #animesystem
%ircwait = 120
If you are getting a socket-write error message, it simply means it can't connect to the site.
Make sure the value of %irckey matches $irckey inside irconline.php.
Are you getting any errors from mIRC in the server status window?
that error is coming from the mirc window, and I cant put my domain in domain format as it doesnt have one, we use a re-direct to ip, so the domain is ip...
Should it make a idfference? I checked with the host and the irc people and they aid, its fine to use what I am doing....
If it only works for domain, can I make a suggestion that it reads
http://x.x.x.x in future?