Try it like this:
A: Founder of ODN.
Then ask the bot: Who is Apokalupsis?
Mine replies with :
No one that I have talked to.<br></br>
The founder of ODN.
Defining single words like that is the way to go for introducing your staff members when someone asks Who is soandso...
Try teaching it:
Q: What are snausages?
A: Dog Treats.
And then ask it. That will at least confirm that all the code is working properly.
I agree it does learn 100 percent, then again I am no pro at AIML yet, I do have a little exposure to Prolog but I'm no pro and therefore I have only implemented the simplest structure so far. I believe teaching it phrases that it can use in response to words will work well as much of the basic english and grammar is already programmed in the AIML... It has things like Who is *
So sometimes it gets itself finding "true" results when it's not really what you were looking for.