Originally Posted by Frank
I could really do with an addition, either in admincp or done via permissions on their profile, where admins and mods could view user's reputation history along with who gave them the reputation and what comment they left.
We've had some abuse of the bloody rep system with some ppl leaving comments like "++++head" and the like.
Thanx a lot 
I would also like to second this request... the rep system as it stands is too open for abuse.
I'm already notifying my users that abuse of the rep system will be akin to a personal attack on another user... and thus they might get banned for it (that's pretty much the ultimate crime on my board)... but now I need a way of seeing what reps were given to someone when they complain, and who gave it.
In essence... an AdminCP view of what the user sees in their UserCP... a list of the reps given, who gave it and for what post.