Originally Posted by tgmorris
A couple of minor items that I bumped into while checking error logs.
$index_footer uses $cronimage which has a relative path to cron.php. This not only generates an error it means cron doesn't run from the adv_index page - which normally wouldn't be a big deal. I added
$index_footer = str_replace('"cron.php', "\"$vboptions[bburl]/cron.php", $index_footer);
after the index_footer template is eval'd.
The 2nd minor item deals with the usage of "$vboptions[cleargifurl]". If the definition is changed to a path such as '/forums/clear.gif' or a full absolute path then things break when using the admincp as values such as '../$vboptions[cleargifurl]' are used within the code. I reverted my definition back to "clear.gif" and just placed a copy of the image in my web root directory for now.
i belive placing it in the root dir is probally the best option
and im sure tigga will look into fixing the cron problem