Sounds like a very cool feature for users, so maybe that's why I've spent the last 4 hours deving it. Tired now though and I have to create the install file, but the hack works fine for me after testing it over and over on vb3 Release Candidate 1.0. You can view the screenshots for now, have it as a teaser I guess
error_ignored.gif shows the standard error for users trying to view a thread which they had ignored.
ignored_view.gif shows the forumdisplay of a forum with two threads one which they have ignored so it only shows the one that they don't have ignored.
modify_ignored.gif is the usercp options panel where they modify their ignored threads so that they can un-ignore them if they like.
regular_view.gif is the forumdisplay of the two threads where both threads are visible because the user has neither ignored.
showthread.gif is the screenshot of a thread with the dropdown list option of ignoring the thread on the thread tools menu
usercp_active.gif is the standard usercp view which shows the ignored threads if they have any, if not it won't display the main panel. The side panel option always appears though.
A fair amount of things were needed to done in order to install this hack, thats why I'm still working on the main installer to make it easy as possible.