Originally Posted by Linear Helix
Attention M1th.
PHP Code:
$forumids = array_keys($forumcache); foreach($forumids AS $key => $value) { $fperms = &$bbuserinfo['forumpermissions']["$forumid"]; $forum = &$forumcache["$forumid"]; if (!($fperms && CANVIEW) OR !($fperms && CANSEARCH) OR !verify_forum_password($forumid, $forum['password'], false)) { unset($forumids["$key"]); } }
$forumids apparently ends up empty, because when the script tries to implode() it later on for use in the IN() in the query, nothing results, breaking the query.
Yep, It'll work if you use it for one query only. The second one ends up empty.