How could it ++++ up the admincp and new user registering? It never touched register.php and other than usergroup.php and user.php (which those edits work marvelous), it doesn't touch the admincp either.
But if you still want to uninstall, look at upload/admincp/shoutbox_install/new_file.txt and do the edits in reverse, then:[sql]
DELETE FROM phrasetype WHERE phrasetypeid='716';
DELETE FROM phrase WHERE varname LIKE '%shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM setting WHERE varname LIKE 'shoutbox%';
DELETE FROM settinggroup WHERE grouptitle='shoutbox';
ALTER TABLE language DROP phrasegroup_shoutbox;
ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP shoutboxpermissions, DROP shouthierarchy;
ALTER TABLE user DROP shouts, DROP shoutbanned;
DROP TABLE shoutbox_posts;[/sql]
Still, as I said, this hack couldn't have ++++ed up things like that. Even if not installed properly, it couldn't screw up new registrations. And it is not a beta hack. It has been tested and tested a lot by now and probably could be released as a final already.