Hmm... I spent a couple of additional hours on playing with Mambo. I tried to transfer one of my designs to Mambo. You might want to take a quick look:
http://www.rottmann.net/mambo .
I found it pretty easy to migrate a static design (mainly html + images) into a Mambo template. The content of the above page (menu / news items) is driven by Mamboserver. Don't try any links, I published only a single page, yet.
And once you start managing content :-) it gets more and more fascinating. So it might be a fair to add a point to the "pro Mambo" side of the list: It's seems to be reasonable easy to migrate an existing page into a Mambo page. But then again, the missing documentation limits flexibility a lot. During my research I've seen quite some stunning Mambo templates, but you know, I don't want to run through Mambo's entire source code in order to understand and copy & waste my pages... .
In addition I found the tone of the Mamboserver forums annoying. Nothing compared to our neat vB community. (And I'm pretty new to it, as you can see from my post count. :-) ).
Well, I guess I'll start a new thread about PHP driven CMS and see what others use and how they think about it. I hope this is not too off-topic for the vB folks... .
Btw.: I'm not a native English speaker, am based in Germany, so please forgive my English.