I have upgraded a very large 2.2.6 board with 3 GB database and a lot of custom hacks to VB3 RC2 (custom hacks are not yet recoded for vb3 so upgraded board uses just default vb3 for now).
It took around 12 hours to complete the whole job and backing up the database is NOT included in this duration. It was around 100 steps excluding 2.2.6 -> 2.3.2 upgrade. Certain steps literally took hours to complete.
I had some problems in some steps and they failed to end peacefully. I believe this is because DB process was taking too long. I took control in these sections and applied some hacks manually to complete them. But in the end all board is successfully upgraded into VB3 RC2.
I have some notes about this upgrade and problematic steps but I'm in the office at the moment and my notes are not with me so I can not tell which steps required manual intervention.