Ah, that would be because the post should have already been censored. A more suitable edit would be:
in includes/functions_newpost.php:
PHP Code:
$post['title'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_censored_text($post['title']));
Replace with:
PHP Code:
$post['title'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(iif($bbuserinfo['userid'] != X, fetch_censored_text($post['title']), $post['title']));
PHP Code:
$post['message'] = fetch_censored_text($post['message']);
Replace with:
PHP Code:
$post['message'] = iif($bbuserinfo['userid'] != X, fetch_censored_text($post['message']), $post['message']);
Again replacing X with the userid. Note this will only effect new posts due to the nature of the censoring system.