Originally Posted by DestinyIslands
That isn't very Pro. Yoshy, I mean sorry about saying your Store hack SUCKED, but at the same time it was a low blow to Leasne to make the same hack he has. I mean it was his idea. Not to mention his is much better. But hey, to each is their own, you might get banned from vB.org if a mod reads this ... so be carefull. I think that's a threath anyways. Good luck, and Leasne ... please recondisder.
- DestinyIslands
Ahem... I'm going to deposit my $0.02 into this thread.
Yoshy's store is much better than Lesane's. It is a lot more modular making adding actions a snap. Plus, the general look it a lot cleaner (and it doesn't need 60 templates).
Lesane's hack... well, it's not bad, although I don't like it all that much. And I can
garuntee you it was not the first store hack, so that also means that it was not his
original idea. It was merely the first to be released here at vB.org. And, well, about it being a "low blow" to Lesane, if you don't have a hack, you make it. Yoshy made a store hack since there wasn't a vB3-compatible store hack. He ended up making a damned good one at that.