Originally Posted by okrogius
Very messy code to be honest.
Plus the delete thread is severely flawed too. Instead of deleting from view which is probably desired you permanently delete. And delete only the thread entry, leaving all posts and their caches out for no reason. Neither are the forum counters updated with delete/hide/unhide.
messy?, its not more than 20-30 lines, the codes made for commands are indeed kinda messy cause i translated them for vb3 by changing the ones for vb2.
I never actualy perfected the vb3 commands, as i dont use it for vb3, it has drop down menus. The coding powering it however is really clean and to the point, if you think its messy, then you must not know how to read php >.>
Sorry but people like you, are what pisses me off about this site. Insulting other peoples work, rather than being greatful somone like me takes the time to make something he does not use himself, to share with other people. If this were my site, i would ban every last person who instuled somone elses work >.>
Grr i sometimes hate this site!!!!
Good day to you all!