Not as far as I know.
I am quite busy today so I cannot do the full hack at this moment. But maybe you can do it yourself with a little bit of help?
Take a look at "includes/functions_newpost.php". There you'll find a routine which parses each URL in a posting and wraps it into [url= and [/url] tags. The easiest, yet dirty, way to do it is, to add some code before this functions returns the $text (which then goes straight to the db).
I've marked my changes with // RR Start Change.
PHP Code:
$text = preg_replace($urlSearchArray, $urlReplaceArray, $messagetext);
if (strpos($text, "@"))
$text = preg_replace($emailSearchArray, $emailReplaceArray, $text);
// RR Change Start
global $bbuserinfo;
if ($bbuserinfo['posts'] < 10) {
// do stuff here, e.g. delete all URLs from posting with recursive replace routine
// $text = $newtext
// RR Change End
return $text;
The $bbuserinfo['posts'] gives you the number of posts the logged in user has done. I've hard coded 10 here. A better idea would obviously be, to add this as a var to the AdminCP.
Maybe I find some time later, to do the hack. If you do it in the meantime, please post it here.