Originally Posted by KuraFire
You have to make sure that the usergroupid in the hack is not one you belong to yourself, of course.
To fix, go into your database via PHPmyAdmin or whichever, and empty your phpinclude_start template. If that doesn't work, then you messed up something not related to this hack and I've no idea what you did, then. Hell, even if it IS related to this hack, I've no idea what you did. It's a very simple copy-paste into the phpinclude_start template, and only if you belong to the usergroup that you made miserable will it have an effect on your account.
Yes, it is very simple. The 2.X version worked perfectly. I'm the admin, so I'm definitely not in usergroup 16. How would an admin suddenly become a member of a group he just created? I would think after 4 tries, I've pretty much eliminated the possibility that it was my mistake. No offense, but there's something you're missing here, I think. This is a fresh RC2 test forum. There's not much I could screw up. As you said, any monkey could install this one. I don't think it's me. Why do you think I reinstalled it 4 times?
I changed the miserableid to the usergroupid I'd created (which I named Miserable Users), then pasted it into the template, just as you've instructed.
I'll tell you what. Here's a copy of exactly what's in my phpinclude_start template. Take a look and see if you can see anything wrong, please. I want so badly for this to work.