Love it! It's perfect. Though there are a few small things....
The who's online list has a space after names and before the comments which looks a bit messy? Can that be sorted? It also doesn't display users custom colours - for example, our Admin group members should be in red, and Paid Members should be in Green...
Listing Who's Online as one person per row would be great, like how it's done in most of the Nuke system modules? Then you could have a PM link beside each name?
On the Whos Online page, those on the portal index are displayed as being at "Unknown Location", any way to sort that out?
It also doesn't use the selected theme for header and footer? How do I add this manually, or make it work?
(For example, see for how it should look, at for how it's displayed).
Finally - better instructions (or admin options!) to move the blocks about would be great. I'd like everything on the left except Recent topics on the right.... can anyone point me in the right direction?