Good news!
I've upgraded from Beta 7 to RC2 last night. So far, the HTL seems to work
very decently with RC2. The fixed-width vB3 style from Gamma and higher causes some minor display issues with the Front-end of the Hack Tracking Log, but those are mere HTML issues and will be resolved today. Also, today I shall do test runs of the
.xml and
.htl generators and all related functions (used for installing new hacks) to see how well RC2 works with what I had working. I don't expect many problems to arise from this.
Additionally, I've finished three new sections entirely: List All Modifications; Import Hack Phrases; Remove Hack Phrases. These three new functions are a blessing for development of a hack, as well as upgrading a hacked up vBulletin board. I upgraded last night without a problem (well, I had some problems but those were not related to any of this, but to my internet connection), re-applied my hacks
and updated my Hacks' data (file-edits' line numbers had changed cos RC2's files are bigger), and it took like... 8 minutes or so. It was a bliss. I'm definitely not ever going to install a non-HTL hack, that's for sure. Any hack that is released without a .htl file, I'll just make an HTL installer for it and ask the hack author if he would like to add that to his Hack thread. HTL hacks really make your life easier..
Anyhoo, back to testing HTL stuff.... ^_^