Thanks for the help MindTrix. I went in and did it through phpMyAdmin and got the fields in Admin. I also verified that I needed to add two more templates.
But, I'm still not getting columns. If you get a chance, take a look at The Test forum should have two subforums showing up. In admin, I have the depth at 2, forum 164 as the parent, and 'display forum columns' as 2. Unfortunately, it just shows a colored line under the parent forum heading on the forum home.
I've also set up all the following templates:
colforumbit [edit] [remove]
colforumtablefooter [edit] [remove]
colforumtableheader [edit] [remove]
forumhome_nohead_level1_nopost [edit] [remove]
forumhome_nohead_level2_nopost [edit] [remove]
Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get that one out of the way so I can get this one up and running. Thanks all!