I should probably ask this dumb question elsewhere, but thought I'd start here. I'm installing the columns addon that's required before this one and I'm unsure how to add the queries.
Xenon's instructions are:

Querie #1
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,5,'Parent forums column arranged subforums','columnparent','0','Choose a Parent Forumid. All Subforums will be displayed in column arrangement (seperat with spaces)','','8')
Querie #2
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,5,'Display Forum Columns','forumcols','4','','','9')
I'm assuming the mods should be made in the setting.php file... but is there a certain place to add these for them to be included in admin? I tried replacing the existing setting.php INSERT INTO setting command with the Query 1 part above, but it didn't work. And I have no clue where to put Query 2.
Sorry for the newbie stuff, but I'm just unsure. ANy help you can give would be appreciated so I can glory in column wonder.