Originally Posted by Boofo
I'm sorry, I donm't agree with you on this. I like the ideas of not having to enter a password every time I go into a protected forum on my site. Although, I might like to have it be able to be turned off for the SuperMods if I want to. 
I understand your outlook. (as an admin you want to take controle of your forums) It fits my needs. I host some forums for game clans that wish to have a PW protected forum. I have Admins and super mods (multi-clan mixture) that help run the forums. I don't need wondering eyes in places that they do not belong.
Note: I also have an issue telling someone that they have a privet area that requires a password, and it not be true. IMO, if you place a PW on something, you need a PW to access it.
[high]* Zachariah shrugs[/high]