Yes, true in that view if we talk about earlier versions of the store hack. Not true if you talk about my new version: 3.0. Ofcourse, we as php coders can never say that a script is 100% secure, but i think that i am very close to that percentage with my new version 3.0. So if someone says that 3.0 contains security holes then i slap my head and want to know about it. But you are giving your opinion/critism on earlier versions of the store hack, i mean.. we don't judge vb 2.2.2 when 2.3.4 is out and we don't judge vb3 beta 1 when vb3 rc1 is out right?
And my forum had 3 admins a half year ago while i only had 2 admins, a very friendly hacker pointed me to my mistakes in my coding, from then i have learned alot regarding security and improved my code. I appreciate it if people judge the code/script of the new version instead of any earlier versions.