i saw a group of hackers reak havok via your store hack on the forum, with using some secutiry holes, i knew they were not admins, i knew they didnt have admin access. however they never insisted to shrae some stuff with me. a few other hackers here that i know warned me not to use your hack due to some major secutiry holes, i never asked to know the securit holes as the ppl who cantected me i trsuted / the ppl i asked.
in the past when i used your store hack, my other admin followed all the instructions and only half of the features work, and the other half didnt even seem to function. so i though up a test board and installed it my self. and it didnt work, from that point on i decided that the ppl who warned me and their opinioins were right. i have no knowleged of the holes but ive seen them exploited