Installed it; everything's working wonderfully, although I did have a question: how would I make more than one custom side block? It's probably really obvious, but I didn't see it in the Read Me file.
Originally Posted by ForKmaN
Also, I was just thinking, when I was reading the instructions, it sais in there:
But I cant actuly find that exact wording. I did find:
function construct_calendar_output($today, $usertoday, $calendarinfo, $fullcalendar = 0, $weekrange = '')
global $birthdaycache, $eventcache, $bbuserinfo, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show, $offset, $colspan, $days, $months, $show;
Is it the same thing? Just maybe instruction from an older version or somthing? It kinda confused me 
I saw the same thing with mine, so what what I did is look closely at the changes between the two and add whatever's new. So I'd add
$dontshowweek = '0' on the first line and
$vboptions on the second, making sure it's in the same style as the rest of the stuff. Worked for me.