Well, being a network guy as my trade, I have to say that arbitrarily blocking whole IP segments just smacks of an amateurish response to a DDOS.
Seeing as I don't know the nature of the DDoS specifically, I won't comment on ways to stop it, yet let paying customers through... but there *are* better ways to handle the situation. If there is absolutely no other solution, then you redirect blocked IPs to a rudimentary webserver explaining what's going on, in plain text, with as few words as possible.
It suprises me that the vB team would respond with such a neophyte response when it comes to network security and it is very poor business practise indeed. It makes me wonder at the quality of security they might or might not put in the code. Thankfully, it can be audited by others (or myself), so it's not a great concerne.
Totally ridiculous.