Currently, there is no good system to check vbulletin licences. We have asked many times if we could have a control system like the one for
Possible solutions :
- post translations here : but the admins want an english forum. No way to french support. We don't want to compel users who don't speak english to go here. A lot of french people have problems to buy vbulletin. Imagine if the had to visit and register here

- request vbulletin customerid : it's like asking somebody for his credit number card. I can't take this responsibility
- create an official french support forum : the Jelsoft staff is not ready for that
- ask individual permissions : it's what we do now. Some hackers accept. Others deny.
We also develop hacks and try to support the french customers but it's not easy to be unofficial.
At the moment, we are pleased to have collected more than 100 permissions to translate hacks. Most of hackers accept to be translated in french.