How to use this hack:
You control your members via the vB3 dropdown menu by clicking on a member's Username.
You then basically choose what to do, and a Popup Window will come up. Just choose what you want to do. Easy.
When you Troll Ban a member, ALL of the member's threads and posts disappear. They disappear from Forumdisplay, Showthread, even in Newreply (where the posts are quoted). This is a quick way of removing offensive posts by trolls.
As a bonus, Troll Banned members get fake 404 errors when they try to access your site.
Anyway, install it, and let me know what you think.
A screenshot of the Postbit Moderator Dropdown Menu Controls, Popup Warning Window, Popup Banning Window, Popup Edit Avatar Window... I won't post screenshots of the rest of the Popup Windows, it's fairly common sense.