Originally Posted by DestinyIslands
That isn't very Pro. Yoshy, I mean sorry about saying your Store hack SUCKED, but at the same time it was a low blow to Leasne to make the same hack he has. I mean it was his idea. Not to mention his is much better. But hey, to each is their own, you might get banned from vB.org if a mod reads this ... so be carefull. I think that's a threath anyways. Good luck, and Leasne ... please recondisder.
- DestinyIslands
Dude - I dont care if I get banned, My site will still work and I will still release my hack. Remeber it's my code, I can do w/e I want w/ it... I offer no warenties. As for those who want updates, I post them over at VB.nl.
I can now deny actions from groups. Remove usergroups from top x lists. Also I have a loto addon that will be working soon.. A change user title color that is in WIP...
Remeber you seen an alpha hack, I continue to develop it...