Floris, I'm speeking as vbulletin-fr.com webmaster. I'm afraid but Yanick X... is not a team member or translator at all on vbulletin-fr.com. There are only 4 persons who can send emails with my autorisation : me (
webmaster@vbulletin-fr.com), Akex (
akex@vbulletin-fr.com), Pitchoune (
pitchoune@vbulletin-fr.com) and Socrate (new mail to be created). We have a complete listing of all people who have been emailed before and WE KNOW you don't accept any translation.
After a research, I've found that Yanick X... is a registered member of our forum. He has also tried to obtain hacks illegaly and sent PM to our moderators. I'm going to ban him from vbulletin-fr.com. I don't know how he could access to vbulletin.org : he has no licence.
I'm sorry but vbulletin-fr.com can't be responsible for foolish messages of french stupid users.