First, go to phpMyAdmin, and click on the database that you installed vB into. Click the "SQL" link at the top. Click the "Browse" button under "Or Location of the textfile :", go to the folder you extracted the zip archive to and select shoutbox.sql. Click "Open" to close the the dialogue box and "Go" to execute the file. Repeat it for settings.sql. After that, open up file_edits.txt and follow the instructions. Once you properly make all of the file edits, upload all the edited files (if you haven't already). Then, open up templates.txt and edit the FORUMHOME template as noted, and then create the needed templates. After that, go to the phrase manager and go to edit a phrase, but save it without changes. Then go to 'vBulletin Options' and select "Shoutbox Settings" and change the settings to your liking (or if you wish to keep the defaults, save it without changing anything). Now, go to the usergroup manager and go to edit a usergroup. You can customize some of the shoutbox settings for that usergroup there, but even if you do not, make sure you save it even if you do not make any changes. Repeat this step for any usergroup that you want to customize the shoutbox settings for.