Ok, there's a couple things I'm trying to setup...
http://www.solicenet.com/main - these are my forums... if you look at them, you can see that I have the expand/contract hack setup and I've got the categories seperated.... now what I want to do is...
http://www.solicenet.com/main/forumd...php?forumid=17 - get those two things setup here... so basically I want the categories seperation and expand/contract to work in sub cats/forums...
if no one can help me with this one for free, I'm getting paid on wednesday and I would be willing to recompensate someone for their help...
now to clarify, when I say help, I mean whatever form it comes in, if you want to tell me exactly how to do it or you want to do it for me... either way works for me as long as it gets done in the end ^.^
thanks in advance