Originally Posted by Zelda-King
Hmm, it'd be even better if you could specify which userids could use this (ie, only head admin). The vB2 version has that feature.
Doesn?t make much sense, since all admins can edit the phpinclude-template (as stated by xenon).
but if you want something like that simply do the following modification to the hack (not tested):
After this:
PHP Code:
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'loginasuser')
add this:
PHP Code:
$_hack_canlogin = "1,2,3" // comma separated list of allowed userids. leave blank for all admins
$_hack_canlogin = explode(",",$_hack_canlogin);
if(is_array($_hack_canlogin) and !in_array($bbuserinfo[userid],$_hack_canlogin)){