Alatavista Translator ...
Run under vB 3.0.0 RC1
Some know now the Game super - Kniffel for vB the 2.x.x. I adapted now on vB the 3.x.x. Thus all the one vB 3 to use can build now also the super - Kniffel into the board.
It is the used super - Kniffel, only with the extension, which one can adapt over one config to file the size of the Highscore and naturally also the Tabellenprefix, which one has with vB the 3. It goes thus with all, even if they use a Tabellenprefix. It should run also without problems with the following newer versions vB of the 3. Info's
Last update of the Hack's: 27.11.2003 at 23:41 o'clock.
Changes on vB 3 files:0
new Templates: 10
new files:3
from SQL of instructions which can be led: 1
new diagrams:14
installation time: approx.. 5 to 10 minutes
Demo: www.smokers I would be pleased about a feedback.
Thus then much fun thereby