Originally Posted by Faranth
to be fair im suprised Lesanes hack is as popular as it is considering how badly it sucks and how many security holes it opens up.
but i belive my point still stands. from my post up there
If you can find any security holes in my store hack then i am more then pleased to hear it from you. Maybe you should look better on the code or script before you judge it.
Try to come with a direction of 'why' it sucks.
Originally Posted by Faranth
if i DID develop some store hack id probally give credit to whoever helped me. not Lesane, while he did his store hack i know it had been done before on other forums, regardless of it being public
Again, maybe you should look better before you say anything. Shinraonline was one of the first vb forums with a store hack, i gave them credit since day 1 on my first post. :ermm: