taking an idea is just that,
a now playing hack has been done to death
the store hack, is going to be done to death
CMS / Portals will be done to death
but will anyone be jumping down each others throats?
just because YOU released it first on vb.org doesnt mean you were the FIRST to do it.
im sure before you released it someone else was doing it on their own forums and just didnt release it, let alone might it even been on vBulletin. hell is the store hack even 100% your own idea? or did someone (or some other forum system) already have it and you said i can do this. so you released it?
so why arnt they complaining here?
its an idea, and it can be done 1000 times each a differnt way, and have one same effect, each way might be just as effeictient, and NO ONE is stealing anything.