I am in a bit of a pickle. I have a community...or I should say I have a website FOR a community. I have a few members, I have a few posts, and I have vBulletin.
My question is, how can I promote my community to get a lot of members, a lot of posts, a lot of regular posters, and maybe a little cash on the side with no cost to me other then what I pay for vBulletin? So far, all of my communities have just dropped off the face of the earth because no one ever visited them except like 3 regulars. All the rest (let's say 7) forgot the URL or just never came back.
I've been thinking of getting HiveMail as a way to get recurring members but I'm not quite sure. If anyone has any suggestions on how to promote my community, please let me know! For reference, my site is
http://forums.melchior.us. Thanks...