Originally Posted by John
And I have fixed it  - in the template shoutbox_postshout, I changed:
PHP Code:
<tr id="cat">
<td bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" colspan="6"><a href="shoutbox.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" title="The Shoutbox"><normalfont color="{tableheadtextcolor}"><b>The Shoutbox - Latest Shout</normalfont></b></a></td>
PHP Code:
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" {tableinnerextra} width="100%">
<form action="$bburl/shoutbox.php" method="post" name="vbform">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="shout">
After inplying your method I am still getting the root DIR for the shout box. any suggestions? Running VB 2.3.3