First, your problem coolmile...
Search for yourself on vB (in control panel), then click on edit or something, and look at the address for userid=x. Whatever that number is, that is your userid #. Then, open your galleryconfig.php. On line 74, you will see "$cfgAdminList = '1';". Change that "1" to your userid# and it should work.
It would appear that Oak Gallery and the small calendar hack dont get along too good. This is my error when trying to upload:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/www/basementsystems/dealerarea/cal.php:121) in /home3/www/basementsystems/dealerarea/gallery/upload_handle.php on line 108
Any idea how to get around this and or what the problem might be?
EDIT: IGNORE THIS POST (I really should just delete this post but maybe someone is as stupid as I am and will be helped by it). Removing the end comment "<-- End of vbPortal calendar script" from the cal.php script solved the whole problem. What a dumb ass .. lol :O