Your problem is pretty simple and it isn't that uncommon. After taking a gander at your linked page's source, I found a <link right in the middle of your page which is [more than likely] causing your problem.
View your page and find it. It looks like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://austinairsoft.com/photopost/stylesheets/default.css" type="text/css" />
It'll be a quarter or so down the html source. So that tells me it's at the top of the Photopost templates.
All in all, you probably need to edit that css stylesheet according to the rest of your site [without { } colors] or delete the <link rel=""> from the top of your Photopost vB templates.
** EDIT:
Actually, hell. I just glanced. The HTML setup starts over about halfway down the file -- are you using another header with the pp templates?