I had a check last night and my computer as filled with adware/spyware and a couple virus' (Serves me right for disabling my firewall)
So it was one of them spamming people. I've removed all of them now, but decided to format my drive just incase (Just as soon as I buy a new external HDD, I knew I shouldn't of sold my old one)
Im going to look for a nw ISP too, main reason being clara.net is too expensive and I don't think they allow x-box live things, I know BT do so I might go with them. I hope to get a new HDD within the next few days but with christmas coming closer, I reckon it'll be hard to get one. So far it's been hell these past 2 days without the internet

And to ad to my sadness, my localhost has been messing around as well so I cannot get any work done offline.
I might start going outside as a result of all this

*shock shock*