Wow...I didn't think anyone really gave a damn about this hack anymore...
After the thread died out and VB3 came with it's integration of paypal IPN, I stopped work on this hack. Then reality set in, and I had a new boy, plus got involved in alot of other projects including moving the family (again) and a few other issues that I needed to resolve.
All excuses aside, I personally am now using the integrated paypal subscriptions for VB3 as a donations setup (It's not hard to do actually), and since the integration of the vb3 system is already done, and paypal has changed the way IPN is working, I just kinda let this hack fall to the wayside.
All things said and done, I am no longer developing this hack. I apologize for anyone who may wish to stone me for this, but VB3 has made this hack basically obsolete.
Anyone who wishes to, may take over development, I don't mind. I simply do not have the time to spend on developing a hack that will be obsolete with the full release of VB3.
*stands with arms spread*
So here I be if you wish to throw things at me because of my decision. I apologize for doing it, but I do not regret it simply because making the subscriptions feature within VB3 a donations portal took me all of 10 minutes
)O( Cloudrunner )O(