OK... I am sure the title of this thread is confusing.
I am not sure if VB can do this or not... but basically what I am asking for is a way to post a link to place a new thread with the subject box pre filled out for the person who clicks the link.
For example... a link sort of like this...
PHP Code:
Puting the text "Microsoft_Windows_Server_2003" in the subject feild of the new thread.
Furthermore... it would be cool to have it so if someone tryed to make a thread using this link a second time would automatically be sent to a reply to the thread instead of making a new thread.
I am going to try to make a reviewing board where people would give their thoughts on new applications that have been released etc. I would like to be able to post links like this so people could just click on the application name and begin a thread for it.
I don't know if this type of hack would be difficult or not... but I would greatly appreciate it if one of the fine coders here could hook it up for me.
And I'd like it if anyone could help me out with this Hack request as well:
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