str8ballin: 36,000 queries per hour per user? I don't see how the arcade could possibly consume that much, unless you were already running close to the limit and had a lot of games installed. That one really puzzles me. When the games are running, they are client-side, so it will not consume any queries on the server, only when scores are entered and, most significantly, when people browse the main arcade and scoreboard pages. In Beta 2.0, if you have many games installed, there is a nasty query loop that could consume a lot, although nowhere near the amount you are talking about, unless people are repeatedly refreshing the mini-scoreboards page.
NuclioN: I expect something to be released for Gamma in the last week of December. It will likely be on, although the "official" home will be back on here as soon as RC1 is released.
limpkinw: What do the timestamps look like on those scores? I suspect they are using some sort of memory/hex editing program, which would easily let you see and edit the gamehash variable and the score return variable in the headers.