Originally Posted by AJR
The first line of every template file should look something like this:
- The first number is the vBulletin version numer it was made for.
- The name name name are the Style, Replacement, and Template set names.
- The 23 is the number of Replacements to add
- The 116 is the number of Templates to add
You would add 127 (v4.1.x) or 128 (v4.5.x) to 116 = 243
The above is an example of what to do. Numbers are going to be different in every style file, but the format stays the same!
this is what mine looks like.
2.2.9|||Default|||Default|||Default|||23|||362|||{ timecolor}|||#000000|||{textareacols_IE}|||60|||{p agetextcolor}|||#000000|||{linkcolor}|||#000000||| {hovercolor}|||#0000FF|||{categoryfontcolor}|||#FF FFFF|||{pagebgcolor}|||#FFFFFF|||{tableheadtextcol or}|||#FFFFFF|||{firstaltcolor}|||#FFFFFF|||{table headbgcolor}|||#235CDA|||<body>|||<body bgcolor="#215AD6" text="#000000" id="all" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" link="#000020" vlink="#000020" alink="#000020" background="{imagesfolder}/j2.gif">|||{tableouterborderwidth}|||0|||{tablebor dercolor}|||#000000|||{categorybackcolor}|||#235CD A|||{titleimage}|||http://www.viagra.com/upload/images/t2.jpg|||{secondaltcolor}|||#A3BFF9|||{contenttabl ewidth}|||100%|||{tablewidth}|||100%|||{tableinner borderwidth}|||1|||{textareacols_NS4}|||60|||{text areacols_NS6}|||60|||{htmldoctype}|||<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">|||{imagesfolder}|||http://www.viagra.com/upload/images|||911|||{htmldoctype}
so - you're saying that not only do I have to paste the new file in at the end of the file beofre the final ||| but I also have to change the number in the first line?
is that correct?
- jeff