Well that's #1.
Okay, if i DO make a new version, it's not gonna be huge and fancy. It's a LOT of work to do what i was suggesting, and, well, i kinda DELETED IT OFF MY COMP! >( ARGH. Well, it'll have a few extra features, you'll have a few ways to join clans (pick from dropdown, put in password). There will also be a thing where they click "JOIN THIS CLAN" and fill out a form. It will send an email to the clan leader (or whoever they pick) that will have two links - "ACCEPT" and "DENY". They will be able to fill out a few things, i.e. how good they are, and extra comments, stuff like that. It will be pretty nice. It won't be a ton of extra stuff, but it will be enought that it will be nice. One feature that will not be included is to be in more than one clan. Unfortunately, this will not be possible =( . I would basicallly have to restart from the ground up to do this. It's a lot of work. I'll start as soon as i get enough requests.