Hehe... I can't believe this - I found
a way to include a reason It's so simple, no wonder the author didn't reply, he must have thought we were all fools. Anyway...
Just add something like:
HTML Code:
<input type="text" name="reason" size="25" maxlength="50">
To your
modalert template in the Admin CP
Then in your
modalert.php file, put the variable
Where you want their reason to appear, i.e. somewhere within
PHP Code:
$message = "Alerting user: $bbuserinfo[username]\nPost ID: $postid - $bburl/showthread.php?postid=$postid#post$postid \n\nPost Message: [quote]$postinfo[pagetext][/quote]\n\nTheir reason was:\n $reason";
Lol... didn't realise it was that simple, but I thought I should do the right thing and report my findings for the good of the community

Let me know if you like it and congrats to original author.