Where to start on my on-going list of vB3 hacks. I upgraded a week or two after Beta 4 came out and converted/re-wrote all the hacks that I actually used for vB2 to vB3 as well as numerous others, note I don't take credit for the origional code, idea for all the hacks.
- vBsite - web portal
- vBindex - vB powered index page (See coreforums.net)
- /me code
- Support forum
- Forums as columns
- Total time online
- Pre post messages for certain users
- Users style in postbit
- User selectable date format
- Style dropdown
- New posts/threads since last visit
- Signature image limits
- vB2 Style ACP Navagation
- Microstats
- Ban certain users from using smilies
- Hacked archive to use URLs like Skuzzy's
- Default avatars
- Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc)
- Prevent users with less than X posts posting/pmming URLs/emails
- Prevent low posters from accessing the PM system (could be don't via usergroups, but I didn't want to :P)
- Melody - vB FAQ Bot;
- Allow selected users to post with a different name in selected forums;
- Episode database;
- Single post per thread for set threads for non-staff
- Quick signature suspension for mods
- Attacment icon in toolbar
- Global ignore style moderation, users see there own unmoderated posts, other members don't
- Strip multiple quotes on PM replies
- Close thread on QRB
- Hide QRB if user was the last poster
- Changed vB Credits box in the CPs to a Site staff box
- Log post moderation in the moderation log
- Added WOL information for all the extra pages added
- Non-standard extension (eg .core instead of .php)
Thats all I can think of, I'm sure I've made numerous other edits/hacks though