hmm...could do!
I've had a quick go... its nothing fancy, and its a seperate page from VB... once I know its working, I will integrate it!
PHP Code:
$forum_threads = 0;
$count = 0;
echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' border='0'>\n";
echo "<tr><td width='180'><strong>Title</strong></td><td><strong>Your Posts</strong></td><td><strong>Total Replies</strong></td><td><strong>Percentage</strong></td></tr>";
$sqla = "select forumid,title,replycount from forum where allowposting = 1 and forumid != 25 and forumid != 28 order by forumid ASC";
$resulta = mysql_query($sqla) or die(mysql_error());
while ($rowa = mysql_fetch_array($resulta))
$sqlb = "select threadid,forumid from thread where forumid = " . $rowa['forumid'] . ";";
$resultb = mysql_query($sqlb) or die (mysql_error());
while ($rowb = mysql_fetch_array($resultb))
//now count the posts in this thread for the user
$sqlc = "select threadid,userid From post where userid = " . $_GET['userid'] . " AND threadid = " . $rowb['threadid'] . ";";
$resultc = mysql_query($sqlc) or die (mysql_error());
$forum_threads = $forum_threads + mysql_num_rows($resultc);
//now we need to add the number of posts from this thread to the number of posts from the
//other threads in this forum
//now work out the percentage
if ($forum_threads != 0)
$percent = (($forum_threads / $rowa['replycount']) * 100);
$percent = "0";
echo "<tr><td>" . $rowa['title'] . "</td><td>" . $forum_threads . "</td><td>" . $rowa['replycount'] . "</td><td>" . number_format($percent, 1, '.', '') . "%</td></tr>";
$forum_threads = 0; //reset it.
echo "</table>";
that produces the following
anyone got an suggestions how to neaten the code or anything? I tried to do an inner join, but it didnt work!! LOL!!!