Originally Posted by Gio Takahashi
Interesting, I should give that a try, any ideas how might I learn to do that?
It's easy, you just look at vB3's own files and just copy the technique/method that is used in there.
With vB(3), you have to keep the following in mind:
- you might want to work with phrases and phrase groups, instead of hardcoding your text in the templates;
- a lot of work is done via functions to keep things clean and organized
- you put your content in $variables that
also reflect the position of your content in the templates that you're using.
I made a 'store' hack for vB2 but I never released it. I'll be porting it to vB3 and expanding on it and improving it a lot, so that it can accomodate a ton of things, but also be real easily integrated with other hacks without any hassle like file edits... That one, i'll also release